Footy and Politics
A couple of big events going on recently.....
The FA Cup third round was this weekend and although there were a big handful of upsets from lower-level teams dismissing premiership teams, I'm happy and proud to say that Newcastle WERE NOT ONE OF THEM!!! WOOHOOOO!! YIPEEEEE!!!
But we didn't win, either.
We played out a pretty exciting 0-0 draw, and looked fairly balanced in doing so. Yes, we played Stoke City, a Championship division club, but let's keep this in mind - they're fourth in the Championship, and rising, and they've got some great players on their squad and had a boat load of confidence coming into this game, and it was a tough away tie. Some other positives - LuaLua, our 17 year old midfield starlet got a run out, Duff played really well, Owen played for a full 90 in the pouring rain, no injuries, some nice, quick ball along the floor, and Sam is still in a job. Now the bad news - IF we win the replay at St. James Park, the only thing we have to look forward to is Arsenal at the Emirates Stadium. Why is our luck so poor??? Oh, and for a great opinion piece on Big Sam's trouble at Newcastle (written much better than I could ever dream of) go HERE.
Another thing, is that I've recently downloaded the demo for and have fallen head over heels for a little game called "Football Manager 08." It's all the rage in the UK, and REALLY hasn't hit the pop culture here in America yet. The most constant comment I've heard about this game is how addicting it is. Well, the same evening after downloading the demo, and 2 hours - 8 minutes later, I can agree. (And I'm not sure if I'm done for the night yet....)
And finally - the ever-so-wonderful American Presidential primaries. It looks like Obama is well on his way after all of Edwards' votes are going his way, and Hillary can't stop shooting herself in the foot. (hence the tears today. Shooting yourself in the foot hurts, people.) The Republican race is actually the more interesting one (please, forgive me for saying that) since it's still very much up in the air and everywhere you go in the country, people have such polar opinions. (Hmmm....if the Republican candidates even polarize their OWN party's voters this much, think of what'll happen if another one gets in the White House....Lord, help us) Huckabee can only get votes from crazy evangelical christians, Giuliani can only get votes from 70 year olds who are still playing tapes of CBS on September 11th, 2001, Romney apparently can't get votes from ANYBODY, and apparently, Ron Paul can only get votes from Democrats, so he's kind of dead in the looks like the only one who's got a chance is John McCain, but WHO KNOWS? I mean, in the end it won't really matter much because none of them can touch Obama OR Clinton OR Edwards.
Honestly I think this political race is one of the most interesting ones since I have been alive just because there are so many strong candidates. We aren't choosing between the Ross Perot's but we actually have some legitatmite choices in the race which is refreshing. The big thing I am interested in is who will be the running partners since there are so many strong people in the race/egos that go along with it.
Now we just need a new governor....
Excellent point, oh wise nameless one. Will Edwards get the nod this time since he and Barack (in his own words) are the only true candidates of change? Or will Hillary get the nod since she can add some much-needed experience to his fresh face? Or will a black AND woman face on a ballot be just too much for this middle of the road, white male, stuck in the middle ages Nation?
Now that being said - the real question is - CAN THE TOON BEAT STOKE ON THE 16TH???
the one thing that is bugging me about this political race is the fact that people keep saying that Obama and Edwards are making "false promises" and giving people "false hope." I think you can't put someone down for not trying until they DONT get results. It is nice to believe in a system that can still produce results, even though it might be fleeting.
Stoke is going to beat NUFC and you are going to get Alan Shearer as your new mgr. When he doesn't get you results, all hell is going to break loose.
HA! Trust me - we may lose to Stoke, but Ashley (a self-made billionaire) is a business man first. I don't think he'd put a rookie in charge of a billion-pound per year company. Just don't make no bizznizz sents.
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