Saturday, September 27, 2008

Ill Doctrine

I'm not sure if I've ever given a link to this v-log or not yet...I think I may already have...but Ill Doctrine is PHENOMENAL. I got the link from my bud Amanda Jo and it QUICKLY went up on my favorites list (which, by the way, has gotten exponentially longer since election season began). Now, I know this isn't a politics blog and I don't want to turn it into one. It'll all be over soon, I promise. But this is just too good.
Below, I transcribed his latest entry in case you all are at work and can't view video or don't have sound cards or something. He perfectly synthesizes my thoughts on how absurd this whole fear of "elitists" our country has when picking its president. Hello - umm....we're basically interviewing people for the most important job in the entire world. You don't want someone who is elite? Who DO you want? Anyway, the following is in no way my creation - although I wish it was. It's taken directly from, so please visit the website and don't sue me for plagiarism.

okay people people people the economy -= do you understand whats going on right now? Seriously do you get it? Are you even paying attention? Do you understand what's happening? Because I...don't. At all.
I don't know what any of this stuff means, man. I don't understand economics. Apparently the whole world is gonna end unless I give all my money to that guy Paul something from the Smothers Brothers show? I mean, really? Are you su- I mean, I dont know.
I mean, don't get me wrong, I pay attention. I read Paul Krugman just like everybody else and understand about 2/3 of it. But do I ever feel like I fully grasp WHY the economy is doing what it's doing? Hell no. Do you? I'm not convinced that anybody does. And that's why this situation is so scary, because I don't really know what to believe, and I don't know HOW to know who I can trust. I feel like we're in an episode of ER where the government comes bursting in the room, like:
-"Okay, we need 700 CC's of everybody's money, stat!"
-"Well, does the plan work?"
-"No, no, there's no time to talk...STAT!"
-"Well, is there going to be some oversite? How..."
-"No, no...stat! Just give it to me, stat!"
-"Are you even a doctor?"
-"Stat! Don't you know what stat means?"
-"But I don't know what 'stat' means. I don't know for sure what any of these stats mean. And you are asking me to have a whole lot of faith that you know better than I do, even though you didn't see this coming, and you can't really explain it to me."

...And that is the dilemma facing every American right now. After so many years of being guided by our anti-intellectualism and voting against anybody who acts like he thinks he's smart, suddenly our entire future hinges on having faith that these guys are smarter than we are. This is not a good feeling. So, my fellow Americans, I'm here to ask you - that feeling you're feeling right now, hoping and praying that your leaders are actually smarter than you, please remember that feeling when you go in the voting booth. Because just this once, I think we really need to vote for the annoying smart guy.
I know how you feel, he's always got this smug look on his face and it brings up all our esteem issues from high school, but we need him right now. As soon as this crisis is over we can give him a wedgie and lock him inside his locker. But this is his moment.
I know this is not an easy choice, but this moment in history is a time for courage, it is a time for change, it is time for a nerd we can believe in! And I know we can make this happen.


Blogger AJG said...

I'm so glad you like him! I initially linked to him through a post on Feministing a couple months back (I think they've got a big crush on him) and have been reading (watching?) ever since.

Love. Him.

7:47 AM  

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