Crazy Joe Kinnear

I mean, what does it really matter who we chose as interim manager? If we're to believe the rumours and local papers, King Kev might be back as manager in the next month or so - maybe even with a 10% stake in the club. And whomever stepped in, it was always obvious that he would be stomped on by the London Press (God bless'em). I was under no impression that we'd ever get anybody of any quality - I mean, who on earth would perform the footballing equivalent of the following situation:
-April 15, 1912; 9AM: Man picks up paper, reads "TITANIC HAS SUNK!"
-April 15, 1912; 12PM: Man takes train to British coast
-April 15, 1912; 5PM: Man arrives at British coast, inflates raft, begins slow trek West, towards America
-July 22, 1912; 8AM: Man arrives at reckage of Titanic, climbs aboard empty ship and into captain's room, where he attempts to revive engines
-July 22, 1912; 9AM: Man dies.
[What do you mean, "forced analogy?" I don't see any forced analogy.]
But then Kinnear steps in. I'd never heard of this guy prior to his appointment - but I must say, he's been a fantastic addition. Just a load of common sense, good times and swear words. What more could you ask for? Jose Mourihno, kindly step aside. We have a new definition of "special one."
He's been slowly taking all the pressure off the players buy spitting out any crap that comes into his head.
-How long ya here for, Joe?
-"4 games. No, 6. No, until the end of October. But I'm still serving a touchline ban. No, I'm not."
-After a fairly typical mis-reporting by the London press:
-Kinnear walks into the room with reporters:
-Kinnear: "Which one is Simon Bird?" - he is the Daily Mirror’s north-east football writer
-Bird: "Me."
-Kinnear: "You’re a c**t."
-Bird: "Thank you."
-Bird: "Me."
-Kinnear: "You’re a c**t."
-Bird: "Thank you."
This guy just gets better and better.
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