8 Months Old
It's been a while. Kenzo has been growing at a rapidly increased pace - emotionally, mentally, and actually, finally for once, not physically. You see, Kenzo is, how shall I put this - "great." He has always been in the 95th percentile for weight (at least) and usually about 90 for both head and height. So at least you can make the argument that he's proportional. (What am I saying? Actually, he's beautiful. No worries there.) But finally, the kid has begun to move around on his own, trying to crawl (can only do so backwards to date), rolling all over the place, and for some reason he gets stuck under the couch an incredible amount. So with this new activity, his body has de-chubbed a bit and he looks better than ever. The cheeks are still there - oh goodness, are the cheeks still there. But in all the other places he seems to be a bit more normal looking.
But the mobility is the real incredible part at the moment. As I said, he can't quite exactly crawl yet, but what he can do is sit up, then bend over, then get up on all fours and rotate a bit, then sit back up in a different position and start all over again. Some other recent huge developments are that he can now feed himself crackers with his hands, he can pick things up with his thumb and forefinger, and he can actually mimik us. If mommy and daddy say something that Kenzo says a lot, he will listen to us and start to make that noise. It's not quite talking obviously, but you can tell that the wheels are turning up there which is pretty awesome. Soon he will be crawling, then running, all over the house and our worlds will collapse. But to see his continuing development is incredibly exciting.