Wednesday, September 12, 2007

On Neither Architecture Nor Football.

Look. I enjoy living in America most of the time. I think it's pretty great. I think it offers me many opportunities that I might not have if I were to live somewhere else. There are, however, many, many things that I dislike about the home of the brave. I've probably gone into a few of them on this outpost at some time in the past, but I will try not to go into them again here. Except for one. This post is about one thing and one thing only: The general attitude of blase exhibited by the American public at certain moments where emotion actually IS expected and appreciated. Why is it that in this country, people are either happy and giddy when there's absolutely no reason to be (see: Jeffrey Eugenides' The Virgin Suicides, or our President's continued optimism after each of his reasonings behind initiating war with Iraq was deemed either initially flawed or invalid due to discovered realities), or stonefaced in the arena of thrill and enlightenment (see: the guy standing 18 inches in front and to my left at the Bloc Party concert at the Hideout this weekend on Chicago's Northwest side)?

So, my bro Kramer and I go to this show, right? We get there early, some good and some not so good local bands are playing on alternating stages for a couple hours before bloc party hit. So we had the ingenious idea to basically forgo enjoying the show prior to bloc party's so that we could get a killer location to stand while the headliners played. So that's just what we did: While everyone was looking towards the left stage and repositioning themselves to see that band, we moseyed on up, about 20 feet back from the right stage, so that when Bloc Party took the right stage, we'd be in prime position to dance, mosh, bounce, whatever the crowd felt like that night. Whatever was going to happen once the pure adrenaline rush of Bloc Party's guitar-laden, experimental precision-rock took hold of us all, I wanted to be sure I caught a piece of that action.
So the opener played - not very good. We were psyched that not only were we going to have great views for BP, but we also didn't really miss much in the opener. So we all kind of hung around for about 20 minutes, it became more crowded, and excitement was in the air. Not for a long time had I been around such youth, such energy (see: Dave Eggers' A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius).
Then came the moment that everyone knows - the moment when all the potential begins to accumulate into little moments which you've previously imagined in your head. Some of which are exactly as you pictured - some are complete surprises. You've had these moments. The moment you're at the top of the roller coaster. The moment you're about to sneeze. The moment it hits your lips. You know these moments. These moments are what gives life its CRACKLE.
The nameless guy walked up on stage and figits with the mike, making sure not to ruin his 8-seconds of glory and worship. The crowd, sensing what the means to the cadence of the evening, grows from an excited murmer to a spattering of feminine yelps and heavy applause. He leans into the mic, and with far too much breathy overtone, he says "Hi I'm whoever from whatever radio station. It's awesome to see everybody out at the Hideout tonight [or whatever he says - nobody remembers this part. Nobody.] and HERE'S BLOC PARTY!!" The crowd, at this moment, absolutely looses it. [This is the best part of the night] Hands are in the air, people making various noises, the die hards are feeling it, the midways are feeling it, the fairweathers are feeling it too. Everybody's having a great time because we're all here, half of us are ripping drunk, and we're all going to have the greatest night of our lives tonight.

And then the music starts.

And it all goes downhill from here.

For roughly 25 seconds, the die hards start to jump up and down with the beat, some clapping with their arms high in the air, some pumping fists. Everyone else immediately SHOVES their hands in their pockets and look up at the flashing lights and say to themselves "oooooooooooohhhh......these guys are making sound.......please entertain me." They stand there quietly. I don't know if they're trying to soak in the atmosphere or play the tortoise part in a reenactment of "The Tortoise and the Hare" with a sloth as their co-star. So while I'm jumping up and down like an idiot, I look over to the guy next to me and think to myself - what a moron. Everybody else is here having a great time and he's ---" and that's when it hits me. It's not just this single moron. I turn my head and see that roughly 95% of the crowd has completely deadened once the action on the stage started. I look around to see that it's me, Kramer, three people in the front row, one guy way to the left of me, and two people behind me (excluding Kramer.) I can actually, literally count, on both hands, the number of people still dancing or moving after a full minute of music. So I think to myself. "Okay - they're just getting their balance back after such a WICKED start. Once the chorus hits, it'll be OFF." So then the build up to the chorus begins. The drums intensify. The singer starts to belt off the chorus, and for about one stanza, I'm right. The crowd shows a bit of life and begins to sing the words that they know. Then, when those words have passed, the hands go back in the pockets and they're content with themselves. While I'm still jumping about like a madman and becoming embarrassed, although I don't know why. I begin rationalizing. "Okay. Am I wrong for trying to throw caution to the wind and let it loose for an evening? Am I the one that people are laughing at and will write blog posts about tomorrow morning? Should I care? NO!" So Kramer and I and the six others thrash and bounce, and continue to do so for the remainder of the show.
The show goes on at a blistering pace for the next 60 or 70 minutes. They play old songs. They play new ones. They talk to the crowd. They scream at the crowd. And, they grow increasingly, VISIBLY irritated at the lack of enthusiasm they receive. Roughly every song, the lead singer(about as svelte and sociable as you could imagine for a PERFECT front man of a rock band) would lift his hands and start clapping, pleading for the audience to join him. And they would. Until he had to stop clapping and actually start PLAYING HIS GUITAR again. Then they would stop. Except for me and Kramer and the six others. We'd continue for another minute until we determined it was useless, and that this crowd would NEVER get it.

So, the "end" of the show comes(like nobody knows there will be yet another pre-determined encore) and we all clap and applaud like we would if someone had just done a really great card trick. And they leave the stage, and about 15% of the crowd continue to cheer, because we actually think that Bloc Party is so pissed and bored, they're going to leave and never come back. And we wouldn't blame them. The other 85% just basically turn to their bro's and say how "f'ing kick-a$$" that show just was and how their totally going to text their buddy from college and tell them to catch them the next time they're down in Winston Salem or wherever. And then the inevitable happens. The moment that I NEVER thought I would see, but I ALWAYS knew I would see at this show. The moron in front of me (who I bumped around 40 times while bouncing during the show - the same moron who had his hands shoved in his pockets the whole show - the same moron who was wearing a striped Ralph Lauren shirt, backwards white hat, torn off khaki shorts and stupid flip-flops to a ROCK SHOW showcasing one of the most angst-laden, socially-driven vocalists in the past 10 years) gets a phone call from somebody. Somebody calls this guy and his phone starts to ring. Not his fault, right? Well, HE ANSWERS IT AND BEGINS TO TALK. This, while 15% of us are still PLEADING for Bloc Party to come back on, instead of going on their bus. So Kramer and I, the jerks that we are, start to redirect our feminine howls from the general space to DIRECTLY INTO HIS EAR. This was fantastic. One of those moments where we knew we shouldn't be doing this. We knew this is EXACTLY what we rail against all the time. But this time - we just had to. So anyway, we're sitting there, hands cuffed, screaming into this guys cellphone-ear of his, and he's just sitting there, chatting away. Couldn't care less about whether he's at a rock and roll show or an art auction or a Presidential briefing on POD's. He'd still be talking to his frat brother from Texas A&M or wherever.

So anyway, the band comes back on, people clap, people stop clapping, they play three more INCREDIBLE songs, and we all go home happy.

But only roughly 8 of us TRULY went home happy.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

The season has begun...

Thanks for hanging on and checking your favorite website every day for the past few weeks. Architecture and Football is back for another post.

Well, now we're a fair amount into the new Premiership season. Newcastle's representing at 2-2-0, and after this week off for international matches, we'll be boosted by a few new players. Beye is potentially the most exciting - the captain of Marseilles and the right back we DESPERATELY needed, and Barton will finally get his first match. So far this season, we've shown that we've got the quality in the forwards and defense, but we just need a bit more creativity in midfield to really get the matches rolling in our direction from the first whistle. It's quite ironic and strange that now we're wishing our midfield was stronger, because this season it's actually stronger than it was last season, and it's currently our weakest position. That is a glaring example of how far we've come as a team since last season. While we're currently in 6th place in the table, I firmly believe that we can still push farther up as the season goes on. Let US be the ones to take the points away from the big boys. Bring them on.

In similar news, I recently purchased my very first Newcastle United kit. (To all the Yanks, "kit" means jersey in Brit-speak. Actually it means Uniform but I'm not prepared to shell out 40 bucks for shorts just so I can look like a freak walking down the streets of Chicago in full NUFC garb.) I bought the home kit with MARTINS on the back. It was a VERY tough decision for me and one which I labored over for weeks about which Toon to get on the back. My options were basically: Martins, Owen, N'Zogbia, Taylor, and Ameobi. Honestly, the moment I knew it would be Martins was the first week of the season, as his second goal of the match crossed the line from his superb overhead kick, as I sat, alone, at a pub in the River North district of Chicago at 9:30 in the morning, being the SOLE NUFC supporter in the club. At that moment, I said to myself (because nobody was there that I could speak to) "That's it. It's GOT to be OBA!" Mind you, I said this in my mind, not verbally. For once.

So the other news is that we finalized our purchase of the new home. It's a phenomenal place (photos will be coming soon) and every day I wake up and think "how can this really be MY property??" We're now in the never-ending task of trying to furnish it and make comfortable AND sweet looking at the same time. So far we've purchased a couch, coffee table, received a grill for free, some bookshelves, and we're still trying to fill the place up. It's much more difficult that I would have ever imagined to fill a two-bedroom condo when all you've ever had to fill is a studio apartment in nyc. We're also planning on doing a great deal of custom furniture, and we've started designing, and now its a quesion of if we can actually build the stuff ourselves, or who will do it and how much we'll spend and what kind of wood we'll use. We want to take it one step at a time, but it seems like there are so many prerequisites (if we want to install new kitchen cabs, we have to lay new flooring first!) that it's all going to run together to create one big project (and bill).....

So for now we're very happy with our place as is, and we're trying to get adjusted to Central Standard time, and having a great burger joint just downstairs rather than a great Chinese joint. Oh, also the new jobs are kicking ass - we've got very little stress on us at the moment and its fun to go to work - which has a tremendous snowballing effect on the joy of life - weekends aren't the only time I'm happy - so there isn't as much pressure to make the weekends PHENOMENAL and memorable and all that. We can just relax and enjoy and who cares if it's sunday at 5pm? It's just work. I think it has mostly to do with the size of the office...
We've also joined ZIPCAR - it's wonderful and inexpensive and convenient, but the best part about it is we're a part of a community which cares about urbanity and community and the environment and I feel like I'm committed to a truly worthy cause. So please check out zipcar and see if it's available where you are - it's REALLY REALLY REALLY great.

Hmmmmmmm.....I know this is truly hectic and schizophrenic and not constructed properly as a narrative but please forgive me for this, yet again, and continue to hold on to the hope that someday I'll construct a beautiful and useful blog post, and that our country will abandon the pointless war, and that Project Runway season 4 will be better than the previous 3 (is that even possible?) and that NEWCASTLE WILL BE IN THE CHAMPIONS LEAGUE NEXT SEASON!!!